Sunday, September 24, 2017

Math in the Real World

Image result for calculus problems used to make bridges

I chose this problem because it shows an example of how math that we learn, like graphing and plotting points, can be used to wire cables on a bridge. Wires on a bridge insure that the bridge doesn't collapse and that it is safe to cross. Many architects have to use calculus to make sure that structures are built correctly, so they are safe to cross and don't collapse. Bridges have to be able to support a lot of weight which is why architects have to put wires across the bridge at certain points. This problem uses the given distance of the two towers to try and find the height of the cable and how far it should be from the center. The problem first finds the equation of the parabola by plugging in the points given and then it plugs in the height to find the distance from the center. The distance had be calculated because you need to make sure that all the wires are equidistant from the center. This makes sure the bridge is stable and safe to cross.

Calculate Time of Death
The police came to a house at 10:23 am were a murder had
taken place. The detecti...

The solution and work is on slides 8 and 9. I chose this problem because it has never occurred to me that police would ever need to use calculus. I have always though of architects and engineers, but never even considered that other fields could use math. This problem uses substitution and logarithmic functions to determine time of death. The detective used the body temperatures of the rooms and victim's body and then plugged those numbers into two equations. Then the substitution was applied and logs were used. It is very cool to find out that the time of death can be determined through calculus and body temperature.


  1. I really liked how your two examples are two important things in this world. There are many bridges that are very old and very sturdy. That would not be able to happen if it wasn't for math to calculate everything. I also agree when you said you didn't realize that people in certain fields, such as a police officer, would be using math, but finding the time of death of a person is very important and they couldn't do it with out math. -Alyssa Boilard

  2. I thought your two examples were really interesting and I liked how different they were. I also think you brought up good points with math being used in different fields, such as in law enforcement which I didn't expect. I liked how you connected the topics that we've learned about to the calculus used in the first example.

  3. I found your topics very intriguing, especially the one about calculation of death. I have always watched shows about solving murder mysteries so I think it cool how police use calculus to calculate and important factor such as time of death. I also think its cool how they use equations that we have actually learned in class.

  4. Reading your blog makes me want to put more effort into my own blog, when we are done with this class you should keep the blog going and then instead of checking insta to see whats up I will check this. I love it. Also, the math is fabulous and now I know how to find out when people died so like 11/10.


Math in the Real World


The first difficulty I faced while writing the blog was figuring out how to delete extra areas and links in the blog. That was really the on...